Podcast: Hot Potato Parenting

A Bold New Approach for Parents and Teens Facing the Unspoken

Hot Potato Parenting

Kids today are bombarded with information and societal pressures, often leading them to mimic behaviors they believe will earn them acceptance. Yet, beneath the surface, they absorb insecurities and fears from their parents and environment, shaping their choices and sense of self-worth.

Much of it is unconscious, and we may think, “Look at Johnny, he’s just like his dad.” But is he? He may have been born with certain similar traits, but in his quest to survive, he wants to be accepted and unconsciously picks up on the models in his environment both the pain and the joy.

In this groundbreaking podcast, we look to address the complexities of parental insecurities, understand the challenges faced by teenagers and how to help them become genuinely confident (yes, the kind that comes from within), both for you as an individual and as parents.